At DentistKids, we want to encourage children to become “grown-ups”. We recommend that you let your children use a manual tooth-brush as soon as they show the desire to do so, even if they just chew on it…
Once the child has “brushed” his or her own teeth, it will then hand the brush to the adult who can supervise and finish off the job in front of the mirror.
The assistance of an adult will be necessary until the child is able to brush all faces of their teeth on their own.
As both dentists and mothers, we recommend encouraging your children to become independent progressively:
- Tooth brushing in the mornings: on their own after the age of 5.
- Tooth brushing in the evenings: on their own after the age of 8
Our specialised staff will be happy to answer your questions and show your children how to clean their teeth as simply and effectively as possible.
#likeagrownup #helpwithbrushing #autonomy #brushing