Paediatric dentists are the most suitably qualified medical professionals for monitoring the growth and development of children’s teeth, as well as providing preventive care (screening for dental caries, oral hygiene, brushing, etc.) and appropriate treatment for conditions affecting children (dental caries, malocclusion, trauma).
Depending on the risks of tooth-decay to which the child is exposed, our dentists will educate them to look after their teeth and develop good oral hygiene habits (to stop sucking thumbs or dummies, etc.).
At DentistKids, once our paediatric dentists have established a diagnostic they can then organise a treatment plan. They inform the child and their parent(s) (or whoever is accompanying them) of the following stages of the treatment, the schedule and the estimated cost.
#paediatricdentist #childrensdentist #preventivetreatment #dentalhygiene #toothdecay